Shiny Happy People


Have you been struggling to exercise and keep your weight where you want it to be? Join the club. So many of us are! You are not alone! 

So what can you do for your health and well being RIGHT NOW to turn this boat around?

Grab these six tips to get your pep back in your step! 

What to stay clear of..

Removing the following three foods will allow your body to balance out and eliminate cravings. No kidding.

You’ll see a big difference in your appearance within two weeks; reduced puffy appearance around your eyes, your middle, and you’ll most likely lose some excess weight, too.

*Sugar: Avoid it in all it’s forms. Sugar creates inflammation in your body, an unhealthy result that can lead to issues like joint pain, but it can also effect your immunity, resulting in heart disease, cancer, and memory loss.

Sugar also stimulates cortisol, the hormone that when elevated creates fat deposits and cravings for more sugar. And it’s not just about the white stuff; processed food snacks, bread, and pasta convert to sugar rapidly too. 

Gluten:If you follow the “sugar” advice, above, you’ll steer clear of gluten. Yet gluten is inflammatory to many people, and there’s a reason your grocery has entire sections devoted to “gluten free”. All Isagenix products are gluten free. 

Trying to get to your best health? Try removing this for 2 weeks.

Dairy: Here’s another inflammatory food; even your family doctor will admit that dairy creates mucus, a by-product of inflammation. Dairy often leads to a “puffy” appearance, too. Try skipping this for a couple of weeks and see how much better you feel, and look. The Dairy Free meal replacement shakes are a great convenient option here for busy lives! 

What to Add..

Digestive Enzymes: Your body don’t always digest foods well, and it can be even more challenging to absorb nutrients from your gut as you get older. Many of us don’t have the correct enzymes to digest certain foods at all, and deficient enzymes can lead to depression, thinning hair, weak nails and more.

Try taking enzymes prior to each meal, to ensure that you’re getting what you deserve. Look for enzymes that have contain a broad spectrum of digestive enzymes to be sure you’re getting what you need. (note: raw foods, like an apple, contain their own enzymes, so eating more raw veggies and fruits is always a good thing)

Probiotics: – Please don’t reach for the yogurt. In addition to being a dairy product, yogurt’s probiotic value is often outweighed by it’s sugar content. Greek yogurt does add great protein, but we’re trying taking dairy out remember? 

Look for a high quality probiotic that offers a variety of healthy bacteria strains. We love Isabiome by Isagenix , a solution based system containing both Enzymes AND Probiotics~ all the guesswork has been taken out!  

Green Tea: Green tea contains EGCGs which improve blood flow, lower your cholesterol, and can even help to stabilize your blood sugar levels. Say goodbye to the free radicals as you sip your green tea each day.