Lovely Day - Establish Your Best Morning Routine 🌞

Good Morning!! β˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈ


If you could do ONE THING right now, that would make a world of difference to the productivity of your day, week, month...  What would it be? 


Studies have shown that people who have a consistent morning routine get more done, are happier with their days, accomplish short and long term goals, get more sleep, etc...

So it stands to reason that establishing a consistent morning routine is a good thing.


So - if it's such a good idea - why is it so tough to do? 

Habits die hard, that’s why. We tend to stay in our comfort zones. But what if, instead of getting up each day and just winging it, what if we set ourselves up for success?

What does a good morning routine actually look like? 

Well, here is my version and my tips for creating a great 


  1. 1. Drink 2 -8 oz glasses of water as soon as you get up before you reach for the coffee. Not only will it replenish the hydration you lost throughout the night but it will kick start your metabolism.

  2. Limit your cups of coffee or tea to two and try to wean out your sugar consumption if you can. A few drops of agave syrup, honey, or stevia are more natural, healthy alternatives. Adding a bit of milk or cream is ok but if you are finding yourself pouring in a ton.. you may want to wean that down too. If you have a sensitivity to dairy, coconut milk, or almond may be a better substitute! 


3. Have a breakfast that contains some form of a healthy protein and a lower carbohydrate content. Try a protein shake or a smoothie, or an egg and veggie omelet or Greek yogurt with berries and a sprinkling of granola. Yum!


4. Sit in a quiet spot and meditate for 10 mins to get your mind/ body ready for the day. You can close your eyes, think of gratitude, positivity or whatever helps you feel calm. You can try listening to mellow music or just gazing out the window for even five minutes. The point is to centre your thoughts and take a deep breath. This may also be in the form of journaling or writing out a list of β€˜Things To Do’ for the day.


5. Move your body for 30 mins. A brisk morning walk around the block, a spin on a stationary bike, some yoga stretches, or whatever it is you prefer. If you get this 30 mins in before you get going with your day, it will set you up for success knowing you accomplished this early on. Half the problem is we feel guilty for not exercising and it ripples throughout our day to sabotage us. 

6. Make your bed and a quick tidy of your surroundings. It will give you a sense of peace and calm knowing you have a tidy space to come home or end your day in - it will also give you a quick and easy sense of accomplishment to go forth and slay the day.


Mornings can be a source of peace, joy, and new beginnings. If you get up an hour earlier, do a few little things just for YOU to instill gratitude, health, and wellness, you're going to feel happier, more productive, and less stressed out.

Over the course of a few weeks, you'll begin to look forward to your mornings and cherish that hour, instead of dreading getting out of bed. 

I hope you all are safe and well and doing a little something every day for your own wellness.

Allie xo
