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My Transformational Results!

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Discover A much better way. Huge health benefits in only 11 days!

Kick off your transformation with the 11 Day Shred! 

What is the ER Shred?

Sean & Crystal break down the science and simplicity of the ER Shred protocol.

Get Started Today with Allie Milan 

Choose Your Flavour Below...



The ER Shred produces drastic health benefits, FAST!  

✅Become Fat adapted

✅Address Nutrient Deficiency

✅ Naturally Detox The Body 

✅ Address Chronic Inflammation

The ER Shred Program is your answer to take back control & completely overhaul your health! Expect to: lose pounds & inches, gain energy, increase lean muscle, detox your body, & discover a renewed mental clarity.

What Health Professionals Are Saying About ER Shred

"ER Shred is a unique new twist on an already extraordinary program.  By eliminating intolerant food items, we allow the body to reset and reduce its toxic load.  The results in terms of health and wellbeing are nothing short of amazing!  ER Shred truly rebalances and transforms our bodies and our health!" Drs. Glenn and Ina Nozek

"I have never seen results like these in over 20 years of practice.  Aside from weight loss, I am witnessing people becoming happier, fast!  They have more mental clarity, more energy, their skin is glowing again, and they are more vibrant. All the things that are markers of true health." Susan Rothman, Holistic Nurse/Professional Herbalist

"In my experience as a health professional and someone who has transformed my own body/mind as well as others: I have never seen results as I have with the ER shred. As a nutritionist, we learn how important elimination is to get down to the root cause of mental/physical imbalances. ER shred combines top-notch nutrition with a simple baseline plan that works and leaves you feeling empowered and more in tune with your body than ever!" Nicole Konstanzer, Certified Nutritionist, Mixed Martial Arts Fighter


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Download The 11-Day Protocol PDF

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